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Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Off-boarding people from web2 into web3

 It is true and a known fact that the world and means of communication is gradually transcending from centralization where the clients data is owned by the service provider to decentralization where the information passed is directly peer to pear to pear without the presence of an intermediary.

Web3 is not encroached without it's own challenges, though it's normal that no transition comes easy. Web3 is still in it's early stage and one problem it might face in off-boarding people directly into it at ones will be it's technological scalability.

Just like it was once in web1, as the data processing speed of a decentralized network is significantly to the centralized web2. Bitcoin transaction over for example are much slower than transaction over the Visa or MasterCard network and the user experience of web3 cannot keep up with that of web2 applications for example it's more complicated for many users to take out a loan on a web3 platform than on a web2 financial technology or bank.

In addition there is also a question of how decentralized the web3 is.

In all these described about web3 which looks like the problem web3 encroachment is facing now. The best way to facilitate the advancement of web3 is for new investors to adopt the evolution of web3 in whatever application that is being launched or produced and owners of web2 seriously and dynamically modifying there applications to fit the current evolution that communication is undergoing.

Though it should be known that decentralized protocols will likely coexist with centralized platforms in the medium yet and continue to gain market share just to gradually give way for full dorminance of decentralization.

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